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Microsoft publishes job ad for 'top secret, high risk' Kinect team

Kinect is still a big deal over at Microsoft, as the company has just published a new job ad for candidates to help them take the motion-controlled tech to the next level. The advert also makes no secret that the team will "fail" at times, but that each failure leads to new ideas. It's also a high-risk job, the posting states. See it in full below.

The Software Development Engineer posting reads, "A new team is forming in Microsoft's entertainment division with a specific purpose: to push the envelope of today's and tomorrow's technology as we explore new ideas from the ground floor. It begins with veterans from Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and Kinect. But we're growing as quickly as our imaginations can be translated into code.

"Joining this team comes with risks. Most of what we work on is top-secret; you may not know what your new project is until you've accepted an offer. Not all of our ideas will fly. We will fail, and fail fast, on some projects. We will celebrate those failures because they are vital to making sure the right ideas take off in a big way.

"If you want a comfortable, standard-role job at Microsoft with no ambiguity or risk, please don't apply. But if you're passionate about the potential for Kinect to continue to revolutionize entertainment and are a seasoned software engineer with the skills to prototype and build the future of premium Kinect-powered experiences, we have a growing team of talented people who want to take entertainment into the future.

"In this role your technical skills and creativity will be pushed to their limits as you weave together disparate technologies to tell the story of what the future of entertainment will look like. You'll learn more than you even knew existed about machine vision, data mining, AI, voice recognition, and embedded systems.

"You'll become an expert in one or more of those areas. You will work on a truly agile team to build and iterate on prototypes to evolve and demonstrate our creative vision."

Hot damn. What do you make of that then? COuld it be something to do with Microsoft's motion-controlled patent filings? Let us know below.

Thanks OXM.

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