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Mew-Genics reveal set for next week; will involve cat fights

Super Meat Boy developer Team Meat will finally fully unveil new project Mew-Genics next week.

Team Meat promised that next week is the big reveal in a post on the Team Meat blog.

"How will the game actually play? Why have I been using faked graphics for all the cats I've posted in the past 17 weeks of updates? Find out next week when we finally announce what this damn game is," Edmund McMillen wrote.

The post also contributed the last teaser item: there will be cat fights. This activity joins cat pageants and cat races.

Ahead of reveal, we obviously don't know that much about Mew-Genics, besides a few snippets like the fact that it's coming to PC and iPad, among other platforms. For everything we do know, check out the Mew-Genics tag.

Thanks, GameInformer.

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