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Mass Effect costumes coming to LittleBigPlanet this week

If you've ever wished the characters in Mass Effect were more cute, then this week will be exciting for you. Media Molecule has announced the Mass Effect Costume Pack for LittleBigPlanets 2, Karting and Vita.

If you purchase the pack, you get the goodies for all possible iterations of the game. The pack will cost £4.79 or whatever the equivalent amount in your local currency is when it hits the PlayStation Store on Wednesday. Here's exactly what all you'll get in the pack, if you're curious:

Commander Shepard N7 Helmet, Commander Shepard N7 Armour, Commander Shepard N7 Gauntlets, Commander Shepard Skin.
Liara Head, Liara Armour, Liara Gloves, Liara Skin.
Wrex Helmet, Wrex Armour, Wrex Gloves, Wrex Skin.
Garrus Head, Garrus Eye Piece, Garrus Chest Armour, Garrus Gloves, Garrus Chest Armour, Garrus Skin.
A selection of Mass Effect™ themed stickers.

via MM

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