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Luftrausers, Prison Architect, Gunpoint and more feature in Humble Indie Bundle 12

Humble Indie Bundle 12 is jam-packed with award-winning games for the princely sum of whatever you feel like handing over.


Humble Indie Bundle 12 is now available. Pay what you want for SteamWorld Dig, Hammerwatch and Gunpoint, as well as soundtracks for Steamworld Dig and Hammerwatch.

Pay more than the average price (currently $7.83) and you’ll also score the excellent Papers Please, Vlambeer’s Luftrausers, and my dearly beloved Gone Home, with more games coming soon. This tier also includes soundtracks for Luftrausers and Gone Home, which is peppered with Riot Girrl

Pay over $10 to score Prison Architect, which is currently in early access.

There's also a super premium tier: pay $65 (including shipping) or more to receive the Humble Indie Bundle 12 Entertainment system, with a special issue of HIB Informer Magazine, a HIB 12 Super Shirt, a set of pins with the Humble Bundle logo and Arstotzka Crest, the HIB 12 EP on vinyl and the HIB 12 Shareware 3.5" Floppy Disk, all in premium packaging.

Because this is one of the core Humble Indie Bundles, all offerings stick to the original premise: Linux, Mac and PC versions are available, and although Steam keys are on fofer each game is available DRM free.

As usual, you choose how your payment is split between developers, organisers and charity - in this case, Child's Play and the Electronic Frontiers Foundation. Visit Humble Bundle to take advantage of the offer.

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