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Love open beta is Live, still costs €3 to test


Indie darling Love, impressionist graphics and all, has gone into open beta.

You can now get in on the fun - providing you want to spend €3 to try it out for 30 days.

The fee to test the settlement-building MMO will be used to pay for the servers and bandwith, according to its creator Eskil Steenberg, who announced the beta earlier in the week.

"If I didn't require testers to donate, I would only be able to take in very few testers. By taking donations, I can give more people the OPTION to test the game," he said.

Testers can expect a large number of patches and updates to the title in the weeks to come, as quite a bit of sound and graphics will be added from the sound of it.

You can sign up through the game's
official website

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