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Killzone: Shadow Fall Assault Class detailed

There are three classes in Killzone: Shadow Fall; we'll learn about the Scout and Support kits later, but today brings fresh details of the Assault option.

As detailed in a new Guerrilla Games blog post, the Assault class is a frontline offensive unit with five primary weapons, and the defensive Nano Shield, which allows friendly fire to pass through, opening tactical possibilities.

Players have some customisation options, with three secondary abilities to choose from:

  • Speed Dash: The Speed Dash ability lets Assault players move faster for a short amount of time. It is very useful for seizing the initiative during mission modes where speed is of the essence, such as Search & Destroy. It can also be used to beat a hasty retreat when ammo supplies and health run low.
  • Stun Blast: The Stun Blast ability temporarily stuns and blinds nearby enemies, making them easier to target. It is ideal for quickly turning the tables when faced with a particularly resilient opponent, or for situations where enemies are attacking from multiple directions.
  • Buddy Drone: The Buddy Drone ability deploys a flying combat drone that automatically attacks nearby enemies. As such, it works as an effective counter against impending brutal melee attacks. The Buddy Drone can be customized with skins.

Guerilla noted that "a well placed E-Pulse attack" will successfully counter a Nao Shield of Buddy Droid, but that on the whole, it's best for opposing players to go around.

Check out the Assault class in the images below. Killzone Shadow Fall launches exclusively for PlayStation 4 in November, when the console launches.

Thanks, Gematsu.

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