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Iwata on 3DS vs NGP battle: "The customers will decide which is correct"

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Following yesterday's massive PSP2 announcement and the lesser-known release of Nintendo's financials, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said yesterday in a Tokyo earnings call that it will be consumers who will decide in the long run "which is correct" between the new device, codenamed NGP, and 3DS.

"They're trying to appeal to customers from a different direction than us. The customers will decide which is correct," Iwata said in the call, as picked up by Bloomberg Japan.

"Nintendo is not the kind of company that thinks about how we oppose other company's product," he added.

3DS launches on February 26 in Japan, March 25 in Europe and March 27 in the US. NGP will be out by christmas in Japan at least, but a global launch is "unlikely", according to SCEA CEO Jack Tretton.

Thanks, Andriasang.

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