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Iwata: Bringing HD to Wii would add no "significant meaning"


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that adding HD compatibility to Wii would have no "significant meaning" for players.

"If we have an opportunity to make a new console, it will probably support HD because it is now common throughout the world," the boss told VentureBeat.

"However, as far as the Wii is concerned, we have not found a significant reason to make it HD-compatible at this time. What is the significant meaning to the users?

"I don’t think we should do it unless we find that reason. If we decide for other reasons to make new hardware, then HD is one of the things we would naturally add."

Iwata was speaking at E3 this week. Must-read. There's a lovely quote there about why he still feels comfortable using a Mac in his presentations.

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