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Indie Royale St. Patrick's Day Bundle includes Hard Reset

It's not often an indie bundle packs in a high quality FPS, but we live in the future now.

The latest indie Royale bundle includes cyberpunk shooter Hard Reset; point and clicker Jolly Rover; strategy puzzler Vertex Dispenser; DLC Quest, a wry platformer; and rogue-like Lair of the Evil Doer.

All games are completely independent, available DRM free, and most support a range of options - PC, Mac, Steam and Desura.

Those who pay over the minimum price will receive as a special bonus - Daniel Capo's O.S.T, a 15 track album inspired by classic NES tracks.

The minimum price of the IndieRoyale bundle decreases whenever somebody ponies up more than required, and goes up every time someone pays bottom dollar. It's currently sitting at $3.79 with over 14,000 bundles sold and four days remaining.

Thanks, Destructoid.

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