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Harmonix's Dan Teasdale jumps over to Twisted Pixel


Harmonix's Dan Teasdale, lead designer for Rock Band 3, has moved from the music game maker to developer Twisted Pixel, where he'll be working on "a ridiculously cool new project."

Announced via his personal blog, Teasdale said he left Harmonix so he could provide more hands-on time with his creations.

"I want to be able to help drive the vision and direction of a game, but at the same time be hands on and physically implement and iterate on the low level of making games in a more substantial way than time affords me when working as a lead on multi-hundred person titles," he wrote.

"So, with Rock Band 3 now design complete and on the final path to 0 bugs, GM and distribution, I decided to do that. Today's my last day in the office at Harmonix. Tomorrow, I hop on a plane and fly down to Austin, TX, where I'll get ready to start work at Twisted Pixel on a ridiculously cool new project.

"It's the holy grail of game design positions - I'll get to contribute and help drive the direction of a well funded and supported new title with a close knit superteam, while at the same time being hands on and able to directly impact all aspects of the game."

Twisted Pixelrecently announced it helped Turbine out with a console MMO, and Rock Band 3 is out later in the year.

Best of luck to Teasdale, we say.

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