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Perfect World picks up Xbox One, PC MOBA Gigantic

Gigantic lives on.

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Perfect World picks up Xbox One, Windows 10 MOBA Gigantic

Gigantic developer Motiga has announced some very good news: Perfect World Entertainment has signed on to help bring the MOBA to market.

Not only will this allow the project (and developer!) to continue after serious problems in February, but the new partnership means Gigantic will release on all current 64-bit Windows builds - not just Windows 10. All three versions - Xbox One, Windows 10 and general PC - will release simultaneously.

No word yet on how this will affect cross-play plans. The MOBA was originally announced as a Windows 10 and Xbox One exclusive, apparently with Microsoft's backing. It's not clear where and why things went south.

This isn't the only news regarding Gigantic. The beta test is winding down ahead of some big changes: an HUD and UI refresh, a new beginner experience, better in-game communication, improved matchmaking, performance enhancements, rebalancing, three additional maps, extra heroes, skins and customisation - and much more. These changes are detailed in a blog post on the game's website.

As a result of all this, and some big infrastructure changes, the beta will soon be restricted to event hours rather than open regularly.

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