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Ghost Recon Facebook game inbound from Brenda Brathwaite

"I don't want to visit my friends. I want to kill them," is the legendary Brenda Brathwaite's approach to helming a Ghost Recon social game.

The Facebook-based game, which will later come to iOS, is called Ghost Recon: Commander.

Brathwaite expressed her design manifesto via TwitPic. A veteran of over 30 years experience, Brathwaite described herself as "a long-time fan" of the Ghost Recon franchise.

"For me, working on this franchise is a dream come true," she said.

Details are extremely thin on the ground at the moment, but there's a Facebook page you can check out, which includes a link to Like the forthcoming app in order to have a shot at beta access.

Like Ubisoft's (rather good) Assassin's Creed Facebook game, it is expected to tie-in with the upcoming Ghost Recon: Future Soldier somehow. Pocket Gamer spoke to Chris Early, Ubiosft's senior vice president of digital, who said the games share more than lore.

"You'll have advantages in one game that you'll unlock by playing the other game," he said of the relationship between the two titles.

"It's not just a one-time item unlock. The more you play each of those games, the more benefit you create in terms of the other gameplay experience. So, by playing Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, you'll be able to unlock characters you can use in the Facebook game, plus currency, experience points, items etc that you can use in the social and mobile game.

"And - conversely - by playing the social and mobile game, if you're playing at work at lunch, or in a break, you're continuing the character progression. You'll unlock items and experience points bonus and currency in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier."

Early wouldn't give details of how the game will work but emphasised that having plenty of friends to play with would be an asset.

"You'll actually need your friends to play the game. We've got some twists that will make it a new style of social involvement on Facebook," he said.

"There's a lot of familiarity in some aspects of the game, but we would be doing ourselves a disservice if we just stopped there.

Ghost Recon: Commander has not been dated. Developer Loot Drop was co-founded by Brathwaite and long-time collaborator John Romero.

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