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GDC Europe 2013 sessions detailed for Nintendo, IO Interactive, Scattered Entertainment

More GDC Europe 2013 session details from Nintendo, IO Interactive, and Scattered Entertainment have been announced by show organizers.

The first of Nintendo of Europe's two sessions is "Nintendo Wii U Application Development with HTML and JavaScript," which will be provided by the firm's Svyetoslav Pidgornyy and Martin Buchholz.

Both will discuss developing Wii U applications which take advantage of the console's features "while reducing development times significantly."

The second session titled "Unity, Wii U and You" will be hosted by NOE senior software engineer James Steele and Unity core team developer Wayne Johnson. Both will touch upon everything from "technical advantages of using Unity to develop Wii U titles," to the process of getting a title published on Wii U.

"Creating the AI for the Living, Breathing World of Hitman: Absolution," is a talk being hosted by IO Interactive senior AI programmer Mika Vehkala in which he will discuss how the team created believable AI "that adapts to the player's different actions in a game."

Finally, a talk titled "Reflections on a Distributed and Manager-Less Work Environment" will be hosted by Senta Jakobsen, the senior development director at Scattered Entertainment - a DeNA company.

Jakobsen's talk is a follow-up to her GDC 2012 talk "Changing How Games are Made - Building and Working in a Distributed Team" where she will "review how the first year of distributed and manager-less work has progressed."

GDC Europe 2013 runs next month from August 19 to 21 alongside gamescom.

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