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Garriot back-pedals on “Most game designers just really suck” comment

Shroud of the Avatar developer Richard Garriot has explained that he wasn't trying to 'toot his own horn' when he recently said that “most game designers just really suck”.

Garriot made the remark earlier this week in a PC Gamer interview, and suggested that here are few exceptional designers out there.

Now, Garriot has discussed the remark in a Gamasutra comment thread.

"My point was that game design is the hardest but also the most valuable skill to build in the industry. That every company lives and dies based on the talent of its game design team, and that as an industry we are not doing so well creating the talent we need in this industry because educational systems have not caught up in this area as well as programming and art.

"I was not trying to toot my own horn, rather state that game design is hard."

Compare the original quote with the rebuttal and let us know what you think below? Was Garriot just making a harmless comment, or was he having a dig. You decide.

Thanks Eurogamer.

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