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Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition released on XBLA

Arcade: Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition has landed on Xbox Live today. The game contains the core Frogger mechanics, with new gaming modes: Tile Capture, Battle Royale, Freak Out and “more.” Players can also customize their experience through various skins such as the “modern neon style of Hyper Arcade” to 8-bit sprites from the original Frogger, classic Castlevania titles, and even Contra. The game also contains four-player matches so you an friends can figure out who is the best at dodging semis, compact cars, and eating flies off gator backs. It will run you 800 MSP, but there is a demo available if you would rather give it a try first. Check with Xbox Marketplace for availability in your area. It's out on PSN July 10.

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