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FCC mentions ZigBee and Bluetooth in OnLive MicroConsole report


Shots and a schematic for OnLive's MicroConsole TV adapter has surfaced via the FCC and according to the government agency's report, the streaming box contains ZigBee 802.15.4 and Bluetooth.

According to Engadget, ZigBee mesh networking "is most often targeted at RF applications requiring a low data rate like lighting, sensor, and power socket control nodes in home automation networks", so the inclusion of ZigBee may have more to do with Bluetooth than anything else.

Per OnLive's site, the MicroConsole can connect with multiple wireless headsets, so it's being assumed ZigBee has been implemented so that not only will the box support up to four wireless controllers, with ZigBee added it could also  support a ZigBee headset, microphone, and speaker.

This has lead Engadget to presume there may be some "ZigBee enhanced gameplay" in OnLive's future.

Announced back in March, the MicroConsole - basically an HDMI out jack - is slated for a late 2010 release; however, the MicroConsole the FCC got its hands on was a pre-production unit listed as a "Pre-DV Sample" so it may be a while yet before it hits retail.

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