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Fable Legends online features inspired by Dark Souls, Lionhead confirms

Fable Legends developer Lionhead Studios has been inspired by the online experiences seen in Dark Souls and Journey, studio boss John Needham has confirmed.

It follows confirmation that Lionhead is currently working on non-Fable projects as you read this.

Speaking with Eurogamer, Needham explained that Journey and Dark Souls were inspiration for Fable Legends, and stated, "the things we can do in the cloud with Fable and the things we can do with matchmaking and different online modes.

"I always mention this, but I love Dark Souls, where you're invading other people's worlds, and games like Journey, where people are organically coming in and out of your game world. Having that kind of infrastructure behind the Xbox One gives you a lot of flexibility to do highly innovative online. They definitely inspire us, for sure."

In fact, Needham told the site that, "selling the studio on games as a service and the power of online," was an initial part of his role at Lionhead, and added, "That was goal number one, and rallying the studio around, look, we can make a fantastic Fable experience online. This is not an IP that has to be a single-player experience.

"That was the number one message I wanted to deliver to the studio. We made great strides getting to Gamescom, having something playable, having something that was really fun for the studio to play. It's really sold everyone on the concept."

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