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Evolve PC patch brings field of view slider

Evolve players on PC have just received a tasty update.

evolve wraith 8

The latest Evolve patch brings a nubmer of welcome fixes to the PC version of the 4v1 hunter.

The most pertinent change, though, is the addition of a field of view (FOV) slider. FOV is a hot topic in the PC gaming community at the moment, thanks to a raging debate over Blizzard's Overwatch. I wonder if this influenced Turtle Rock's decision to let players control it themselves?

Here ate the patch notes in full:

  • Added FOV slider to the options menu
  • Improved 21:9 monitor support
  • Improved support for shared memory GPUs
  • Various Progression / Mastery balance changes
  • Improved Direct X stability
  • Fixed a windows timer issue may have caused FPS problems on some systems
  • Fix for a shadow rendering bug
  • Fixed “five Hunter” bug
  • Fix for disappearing/persisting mouse cursor

You can also view these notes on the Evolve website, hopefully, should it ever resurface from an unexpected downtime.

Evolve is also available on PS4 and Xbox One, where you are not allowed to fiddle with advanced options. On the other hand you are less likely to have weird hardware compatibility issues. The platform wars will never end.


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