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Evolve is Game Informer's February cover, is next-gen shooter from Turtle Rock

Evolve has been revealed as Game Informer's February cover reveal - it's a four-player co-op alien shooter coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Game Informer reports that Evolve developer Turtle Rock consists of former Counter-Strike devs and Left 4 Dead creators. Naturally then, it's a co-op multiplayer experience.

It's being published by 2K Games - which bought the IP for $10.8 million back at the big THQ auction - and sees four soldiers fighting a player controlled alien that will evolve to become bigger and more fearsome over matches. Each alien hunter boasts unique abilities, but even though it's a four-on-one fight, the alien player will be a force to be reckoned with.

Game Informer has promised more details through the week, but what do you think so far? Let us know below.

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