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EA responds to Origin suspensions, looking into policy changes

EA has responded in an ambiguous manner to permanent bans doled out on the EA forums, which have also resulted in users being unable to access their Origin accounts.

According to EA corporate communications spokesperson John Reseburg, when EA's Terms of Service are violated, it is "forced to take actions that can include suspensions and other measures."

"We do not take those decisions lightly – however the integrity of our services and the satisfaction of our customers requires a clear set of rules," he told RPS. "With every game and service EA offers, we take the satisfaction of our customers very seriously. We discourage cheating and strive to maintain a high level of integrity in both our games and our forums."

However, it's being claimed that some of those banned were not cheating at any of EA's games, according to various reports, and were instead just "acting out" or using language deemed inappropriate by EA. One person claimed he was even banned for replying to a post from another forum user with a quote using the word "e-peen".

In response to the complaints, EA has said it is looking into changing its policies regarding forum and game suspensions, and is considering using a timed ban along with permanent ones for the more heinous violations.

“We have listened to our customers and are planning a policy update which will include more equitable rules on suspensions – we want to make sure the time fits the crime," Reseburg added. "As with all technology updates, these changes take some time to implement. Meanwhile, we urge any user with a question about suspensions or our policies to please contact us so we can address their specific situation.”

While it's heartening to see EA is looking into the matter, a clear and concise response as to why a forum ban would result in customers not being able to play purchased products has yet to be provided.

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