Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: How to Charge Surge Meter and Use Surge
Properly utilizing Surge is extremely important in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. Here’s how it works.
You’ll spend the majority of your time locked into 1v1 battles in DBZ Kakarot. They can get pretty tough, so you’ll need to use advanced tactics like Support attacks and Surge in order to gain the upper hand. We’ll explain how Surge works in the game, including how to charge it up and what it does once it’s activated.
What is Surge?
Surge describes the additional stat boosts gained upon filling the Surge Meter. The meter is found to the right of your health bar, indicated by a flaming column of energy. You’ll need to fill it up and then trigger it to reap the bonuses associated, which we'll explain in a moment. First, let’s take a look at how to charge it.
How to Charge Your Surge Meter
Charging your Surge Meter is easy in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. All you need to do is take damage, or land hits on your opponent. You can see the Surge Meter in the image below. It is located along the right hand edge of your character's picture, next to the health bar.

How to Activate Surge Power
Once your Surge Meter is full it will start to glow. Before you can activate Surge Power you will need to charge your Ki by holding Y/Triangle. Doing so for a couple of seconds will activate Surge and trigger a short cinematic. Your character will glow white, indicating that Surge is currently active.

What Does Surge Do?
Now that you know how to activate Surge you’ll want to know what it does. Surge adds a boost to all stats, making your attacks hit harder. It also allows you to cancel out of Super Attacks into combos, essentially letting you chain together attacks. If you knock an opponent back while in the Surge state, your character will automatically chase after them, letting you chase them down to continue the attack.
That’s everything you need to know about Surge Power in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. We’ve got plenty more guides on the game right here on USG. For help with Z Orbs there’s our Z Orbs Guide. For a look at levelling up fast, head here.