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Dizzy Returns Kickstarter wont make funding goal, devs respond

Dizzy Returns won't hit its lofty Kickstarter target of £350,000. It needs at least £40,000 in funding a day to reach its goal. Get the details below.

The Dizzy Returns Kickstarter is sitting a paltry £24,605 of it £350,000 goal - that's 774 backers with just seven days left to go.

GI.Biz reports that the Oliver Twins posted a statement on the project's status via Kickstarter that read, "As of today the total amount pledged stands at just over £23,000 of our £350,000 goal - in order to meet that we'd need over £40,000 pledged every day, and realistically that's not going to happen.

"There's certainly no shame in admitting that though, and we believe that rather than posting updates under the pretence that we might hit our target, it's much better to be honest and upfront with you, our backers."

It comes after concerns over the £350,000 sum asked for by the twins, a figure deemed to be too high by many puzzled gamers.

VG247 asked the big question: 'Has the Kickstarter bubble burst?' in a piece written by our very own Pat Garratt. Check it out and chip in below, as we'd like to hear what you think on the matter.

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