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Dishonored DLC: Dunwall City Trials now live on Steam, Xbox 360

Dishonored's first DLC pack "Dunwall City Trials" has launched on Steam, Xbox 360, and will be available later today on PS3 in North America. It's a ten-map challenge pack that puts your assassin skills to the ultimate test. Check it out below.

The pack is available via Steam now at just £3.49. Head over to the official product page to grab it.

It will also run you $4.99/400 Microsoft Points on PS3 and Xbox 360. For PS3, the add-on pack will be available later today in North America and on December 19 in Europe.

The expansion will test your mobility, combat and stealth skills across ten maps, tasking you with combining your powers and gear in inventive ways to complete increasingly challenging goals.There are also horde-style challenges that see you surviving waves of guards, Weepers and Tallboys for dominance of the global leaderboards.

You can see a video of the DLC in action here.

It's not exactly a story expansion, but fear not, Arkane has promised story DLC in the new year. Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

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