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Désilets suing Ubisoft, wants 1666: Amsterdam rights

Patrice Désilets has filed a lawsuit against Ubisoft in which he is seeking $400,000 and the rights to purchase 1666, which was apparently subtitled Amsterdam.

According to the filing obtained by Canadian news outlet La Presse, the filing includes statements from Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot claiming he "loved 1666: Amsterdam," and was interested in conducting its development.

THQ's initial agreement with Désilets offered him creative freedom on the title, which Ubisoft was unwilling to grant - a claim which came about when the latter fired Désilets in May.

Désilets’ contract with THQ specified that IP rights revert to him should the game become cancelled. Also in the filing, quotes attributed to Guillemot claim "the desperate" agreement between THQ and Désilets" provided "too much creative freedom" which would lead to Ubisoft having "difficulty controlling Désilets."

Game Informer has the complete breakdown of the legal back and forth so far.

Back in May, Ubisoft stated the acquisition of THQ Montréal in January allowed it to "welcome 170 experienced developers, including Patrice Désilets," and that unfortunately, "good faith discussions between Patrice and Ubisoft aimed at aligning Patrice’s and the studio’s visions," became inconclusive.

Désilets is asking for the following in his suit, per Game Informer:

  • Reimbursement of all expenses through May 7, 2013 (totaling $35,000)
  • Severance in the amount of $250,000
  • Continuation of insurance through May 6, 2014
  • Relocation and job search fees in the amount of $25,000
  • Damages in the amount of $100,000 for misrepresenting the facts of the termination (Ubisoft stated that Désilets departed)

He is also seeking to instill the "turnaround right" clause which would grant him the rights to 1666: Amsterdam should it be canceled.

Ubisoft has since put development of the game on "hold".

Ubisoft is of the belief the THQ agreement with Désilets has been terminated, and therefore he cannot exercise the turnaround right.

With the new subtitle outed on the game, we can only assume it possibly had something to do with, or took place during the outbreak of bubonic plague from 1663 to 1666 in the city.

The game is described as an "historical RPG with a twist."

Thanks, Game Informer

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