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Demon's Souls 2 PS4 reveal suggested by Driveclub delay leaker - rumour

Demon's Souls 2 for PS4 has been touted by the same source that accurately leaked the Driveclub delay. It's simply a rumour at this point, but judge for yourself here.

We now know that Sony is revealing more PS4 titles at a pre-launch event tonight in the States. Hideo Kojima has promised a 'mind-blowing' PS4 announcement at the show.

Now, NeoGAF member famousmortimer - the same chap that correctly leaked the Driveclub delay a month back - had this to say about the event, and a possible Demon's Souls 2 announcement:

"It's been months and at that point I had no goddamn idea what the "launch event" even was. But at that time I was told "They are thinking about showing the Demon's Souls spiritual successor" there.

"Now many people here have been calling it Demon's Souls 2... it might be. I'm just passing on what was said. Also, at that point there were arguments about whether it was going to be shown at gamescom or TGS and then someone decided it would be shown at this.

"Months have passed. They may have chosen a different game. I have no clue. I'm just sharing what I've been told, WHICH IS OLD Info, so don't kill the messenger if i'm wrong.

"There's things I'm certain about. This isn't one of them."

The original Demon's Souls was a PS3-exclusive, so if a sequel does exist there's every possibility it could be platform-exclusive as well, although in these days of multi-format spreads it's anyone's guess. There's also the little matter of Dark Souls 2 launching in 2014, so a more likely scenario could be that he game mentioned above is a PS4 port.

It's anyone's guess right now. So to that end, what do you think?

Via GameFront.

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