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Death Inc. Kickstarter misses target, studio releases iPad puzzler Monster Meltdown instead

Death Inc. developer Ambient Studios has missed its Kickstarter goal, but the developer has revealed it will carry on regardless. In the meantime, the team has launched an iPad puzzle game called Monster Meltdown.

Eurogamer reports that the Death Inc. Kickstarter ended yesterday with £122,711 pledged of its £300,000 goal.

Ambient published a final update on the page, stating where it would go from here, confirming that work on the game will continue.

The post reads, "We would like to assure you all that you haven't seen the last of Death Inc! We are working extremely hard to make this beautiful, bonkers, original game a reality for you all."

Meanwhile, the team released Monster Meltdown on iPad today, along with a debut trailer. You can buy the game now for £1.49. Grab it here.

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