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"Deal with it" always-on commenter departs Microsoft - rumour

Adam Orth, the Microsoft Game Studios creative director whose comments regarding always-on Internet requirements sparked furious debate last week, has reportedly left the platform holder's employ.

GameInformer got wind of Orth's alleged departure through anonymous sources; it also rang Microsoft's switchboard and got what it believes is confirmation.

Orth is said to have resigned, although it;s not clear whether he went voluntarily or was asked to step down.

Last week, Orth perhaps unwisely took to Twitter to suggest that people upset by rumours that the next Xbox would require an always-on Internet connection to function should just "deal with it". He was giving his personal opinion, not making any claims about the truth of the rumours, but many of those privy to his exchanges were distressed by his arguments.

The PR storm that resulted even evinced a reaction from Microsoft, which isn't easy.

We're expecting to finally find out what the next Xbox console does and doesn't require around May 21; the latest on dits deny the always-on thing, hype up Xbox Tv plans, and claim Kinect can track your eye movement.

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