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DayZ Standalone to update with new content every week

DayZ Standalone's collection of weapons, clothing, and items will expand regularly, and project lead Dean "Rocket" Hall hopes to make the content free if possible.

Writing on the DayZ dev blog, Hall said that a new inventory and attachment system meant that all the game's weapons have had to be rebuilt "from scratch at extremely high detail".

"This means that, on release, there will be less weapons in the standalone - but it allows us the ability to continue each week to release content updates with new weapons and items," he said.

Hall said the team is "planning hundreds and hundreds of clothing varieties" and to release new ones every week. Asked about food and drink, he said the list of planned items is "huge", and a "reasonably small functional set" at launch will be added to each week.

"We are starting our planning process for this, but we don’t have any idea how we would monetize it," he said when asked about maps and paid content.

"There are issues with the DLC model we would want to avoid. We’re hoping we will be so successful in sales, that we can just release as a free content update."

Elsewhere in the update, hall confirmed private servers will be supported - although not private hives at launch. He also confirmed that the Standalone release is a totally new game, rather than a reworked version of the ArmA 2 mod - hence the blowout from a December 2012 launch to sometime in 2013.

Players will be restricted to one living character at launch, due to the "huge amount of data" Bohemia will store for, and Hall's team is working on a "basic radio system" like that of Space Station 13 to allow for private in-game chat.

Thanks, Blue's News.

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