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Day of the Dead Kickstarter: funding tier encourages you to name zombie after an ex

Day of the Dead is the new zombie game from Funguy Studio, which sees players spreading the brain-munching infection across the world. One of the game's Kickstarter rewards encourages backers to name zombies after their ex-partner or spouse.

The Kickstarter campaign is live now with a $30,000 goal. It has made $40 so far, with 23 days left on the clock.

In a press release issued today, the $750 funding tier descriptor reads, "These 15 limited opportunities are reserved for those who want to milk every last drop of opportunity that life has to offer. Not only will you get the same benefits as a $50 contributor but you will have a class of Zombie named after you, your ex wife or husband, your commercial nemesis or your mother-in-law."

In a statement, studio CEO Graeme Warring said of the tier, "We normally self fund our games but I wanted to give Kickstarter a try and see if we can engage with our end customers on a more meaningful level at this development phase of the project; and giving people the cathartic opportunity to publicly denigrate their ex lovers seemed like a really lovely way to say thank you.”

What do you make of the above, as well as the game concept? Let us know below.

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