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Crytek CEO: "the notion of a single-player experience has to go away"

Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli has stressed that the idea of closed, single-player only games must be culled moving forward. That's not to say he doesn't want single-player games to vanish, they simply must evolve. See what he means by that below the cut.

It's no secret that Crytek views the free-to-play, multiplayer market as valuable. In fact Yerli recently stated that he expects Crytek to go full free-to-play within five years.

Now, in an interview with IGN, Yeri said, “I think the notion of a single-player experience has to go away. However, I’m not saying that there will be no single-player experiences... It could be it’s called Connected Single-Player or Online Single-Player instead.”

Immediately I'm thinking of Guild Was 2 and Bungie's Destiny. single-player games set in MMO worlds that allow for interaction with multiple players, should a person wish to engage them.

Yerli continued, “Online and social can reignite single-player in a new type of context and provide benefits that will make you want to be a part of a connected story-mode rather than a disconnected story-mode.

"Sure, if the technology forces you to play a traditional single-player game online, that doesn’t make sense but if it’s offering actual benefits to be online then you want to be part of it.”

Yerli also said that The Walking Dead would be more profitable on Crytek's Gface free-to-play network than any other format. What do you make of that?

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