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Crystal White Vita drives JP sales spike

Japanese sales data shows a significant increase in Vita hardware sales on release of the first colour variant.

The Crystal White Vita launched in Japan during the sales week of June 25 to July 1, during which Enterbrain reports 22,638 Vitas were sold. Media Create puts the figure at 25,636. Either way, it's a good jump on the week before, which produced just 12,000-13,000 hardware sales , although not quite up to the standards of Persona 4: The Golden's launch week.

On the software side, though, things remained a bit grim. Only two Vita games cracked the top 20 according to either sales tracking service. Persona 4: The Golden shifted between 12,000 and 15,000 units to bring its total close to 190,000 so far. The other charter was another re-release - Metal Gear Solid HD Edition, which debuted in eighth poition with 20,000-25,000 sales.

Rival platform the 3DS remains Japan's best-selling hardware with around 65,000 unit sales and five top 20 software entries, just behind the ever-popular PlayStation 3. As previously reported. Pokémon Black & White 2 topped the charts, having generated over 2 million sales.

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