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Competing against PS3? Scott Steinberg's first-party army has "bad news for you"

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SCEA marketing boss Scott Steinberg reckons Sony's first-party offering in the coming years is going to make competing against PS3 a tough business.

"If you’re a competitor I’ve got bad news for you because we’ve got some absolute blockbusters that are in the works, some of them new IP, some of them existing IP, that we’re building specifically for the PS3," he said, writing on Edge.

"From a competitive standpoint our competitors are going to have a tougher road now then even in 2008. But for PlayStation 3 consumers, it means more quality and more choice."

Not scared yet? Not even facing 1,000 tooled up developers?

"It’s a major flaw in some of our competitors that they don’t have the development resources to showcase on a global basis the diversity and the creativity of a development team that’s a thousand strong," Steinberg added.

"What that means is a huge resource of talent that’s thinking about ways to showcase the technology, who pride themselves on knowing the technology better than anyone, and eking out every last ounce of creative value."

Don't cut Scott: he bleeds black. More through the link.

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