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Codemasters: PSP is a "bollocking useless waste of space"


Codemasters VP Gavin Cheshire has properly lashed out at PSP, saying it's a "bollocking useless waste of space".

Speaking in the latest issue of Edge (via EG), he said:

"Well, speaking as a person who bought a PSP, the problem was that I always thought - because it was a better screen than iPod's - that I'd be doing more with it. But it was such a bollocking useless waste of space; just getting stuff on it was ridiculous.

"That was its downfall. Relatively speaking, [Codemasters] didn't do too badly on F1 PSP. But regarding the future, I think they've got - well... no."

And what about the PSPgo?

"PSPgo's a lovely device," said Cheshire. "[It's]really smart - but our senior VP bought one the day it came out and has a great story, because he ended up on some customer support line just trying to do basic stuff. He had to re-download his software, do an immediate firmware update, and that's your user experience."

Knives out then, innit.

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