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Champions Onlines "is really very far along," says Roper

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Newly acquired Cryptic Studios design director Bill Roper has said in an interview on the Champions Online site that the game is a good way down the pipe.

"The game is really very far along," he said. "I’ll be looking at helping implement systems that have yet to be integrated into the game, such as crafting, in addition to adding my input to the polish process on things that have been in the game for a while and need refining.

Roper added that longevity is something he wants to focus on with the game, as its something he pretty much failed to achieve with doomed RPG, Hellgate: London.

"I’m particularly interested in coming up with some ideas on how to make the game experience really last – things that players will want to do both with heroes they’ve built up over time as well as with new characters they’re creating," he added.

"Bringing social and community aspects into the game is something that we never got right in Hellgate and I’d like to correct that moving forward."

More through there.

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