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Castlevania: Mirror of Fate - all the scores here

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate reviews have begun, and we're rounding up all the scores right here. Can Mercury Steam successfully reboot the 'Metroidvania' strain of Castlevania titles?

You can also check out my full appraisal of the game here:

Castlevania: Mirror of Fate doesn’t suck (blood).

CVG - 8.4/10
Nintendo Life - 8/10
Eurogamer - 7/10
Godisageek - 8/10
IGN - 4.7/10
GIGA (Spain) - 80/100
ONM - 92/100
Nintendo Insider - 93/100

Got a score? Fire it into the comment box below and we'll add it above.

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