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Carmageddon dev: "Humour is the key selling point"

Carmageddon dev, Stainless Games, has told an industry crowd at Develop that it never expected its 1997 original death-racer to be quite as controversial as it turned out to be, but joked that the team would be "heartbroken" if it doesn't ruffle feathers with its 2013 reboot.

Speaking at Develop in Brighton, Stainless Games' Carmageddon director, Neil Barnden, told assembled industry attendees: "If it whips up a storm in the Daily Mail, then great."

Co-director, Patrick Buckland, likened the violence found in the game to that of a Tom and Jerry cartoon and insisted that the game's main focus is fun, not controversy, "There are so few games that let people laugh out loud," he said. "We really hope this one will."

Last month, Carmageddon: Reincarnation exceeded its Kickstarter goal of $400,000 by reaching $625,143. The extra funding ensured that a Mac and Linux version will be created alongside the PC version as well as the addition of split-screen play for PC and co-op.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation is expected in February 2013.

Thanks, CVG.

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