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Carmack: There'll be "lots of 30hz games" in the next gen

Legendary game designer John Carmack has suggested that we won't see 60 frames-per-second become a 'standard' next generation as some gamers are hoping.

Speaking on his twitter account and in response to a question on if he thought we'd see more 60fps games on consoles in the next generation, Carmack was quick to quash the idea of 60fps becoming a standard.

"There will still be lots of 30hz games, which I don't think it is a good trade," he said, reiterating his well-documented belief that a high frame rate makes for better experiences. "If TVs didn't add lag, it would be more clear cut," he concludes, scuppered out of going deeper on the issue by Twitter's character limits.

While a tiny passing comment from Carmack, his opinion on the situation is notable as he's the co-founder and technical director of id Software, a company always proficient at squeezing the best performance possible out of hardware - from Doom in 1993 to last year's RAGE.

Thanks, EvilAvatar.

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