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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will likely sell "millions" less than Ghosts, says analyst

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare may not be the game that brings back the series' renowned sales numbers. Research firm Sterne Agee is predicting that the upcoming entry will in fact sell less than the previous entry, Ghosts.


CinemaBlend cites a report from Research firm Sterne Agee, in which analyst Arvind Bhatia predicts that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will ship three million copies less than it's predecessor, Ghosts, a 15% decline.

Despite that, Bhatia argues that having no competition in the form of a Battlefield title, coupled with the positive pre-release hype could help Advanced Warfare overcome this.

There are multiple reasons that are behind this expected decline, according to Bhatia. The main reason being that PS3 and Xbox 360 software sales are down 50% and 46% respectively, and the fact that a lot of people have yet to upgrade to a new-gen console, which may delay their Call of Duty purchase date.

Some fans of the series may also be fatigued or do not see a large enough difference in Advanced Warfare to justify getting it, especially after being disappointed by Ghosts.

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