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Boogerman 20th Anniversary: The Video Game takes to Kickstarter

Boogerman: A Pick 'n' Flick Adventure was a pretty disgusting but enjoyable game on the Sega Mega Drive. To commemorate 20 years of digging snot out of the chap's nose, the original creators are back on Kickstarter to fund an HD sequel.

Over on the Boogerman Kickstarter page, former Interplay devs Mike Stragey and Chris Tremmel are seeking $375,000 to help the sequel come to life. At the time of writing they've amassed $5,298 with 34 days left on the clock.

The game is now accepting votes on Steam Greenlight and has been pegged for release on PC, Mac, PS4, PS Vita and Wii U.

Interplay's original game saw millionaire Snotty Ragsdale pose as a lowly janitor in order to take down villains. His alter ego Boogerman was a snot-flicking, farting and belching oaf. It was quite a big and funny game at the time.

As a sweetner, the 18-level project has bagged Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, and Donkey Kong 64 composer Grant Kirkhope to pen the musical score.

We've got some art below. What do you think?

Boogerman 20th Anniversary: The Video Game is slated for a November 2014 release.

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