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Bonkers Nintendo trademark hints at Seaman revival

Are you ready for this? "Mysterious Pet: Legend of the Fish With A Human Face and Mysterious Partner: Legend of the Fish With A Human Face," has been trademarked by Nintendo in Japan, suggesting that Sega's bizarre pet simulation game Seaman is due for a revival.

Japanese blog Esuteru spotted the filing and it was translated by Siliconera.

It follows suggestions from Seaman creator Yoot Saito that he is working on some kind of series revival.

In case you're wondering 'what the f**k is a Seaman?' it was an old Dreamcast game that saw you tending to a fish with a human face. It starred Leonard Nimoy and it looked like this:

Watch on YouTube

Thanks to Fanaticcism for the clip.

Would you like to see Seaman return? Let us know below.

Thanks Eurogamer.

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