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Blizzard jumps on Windows 8 "catastrophe" bandwagon

Blizzard's Rob Pardo's echoed negative comments from Valve's Gabe Newell in relation to Windows 8, saying the upgrade will be less than "awesome" for the PC game-maker.

Said Pardo in a tweet: "Nice interview with Gabe Newell - 'I think Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space' - not awesome for Blizzard either."

Newell said at this week's Casual Connect conference that Windows 8, which releases on October 26, will be a disaster for everyone currently involved in the PC market.

Windows 8 features touch and tablet features, as well as seeking to cater for the current desktop audience. Newell, especially, is backing Linux as an alternative to the new version of Windows as Microsoft is apparently seeking to "close" the platform.

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