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Blizard World Championship finals to grace BlizzCon2013

Speaking at the Blizzard World Championships Global Finals event in Shanghai this weekend, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime confirmed next year's finals will take place as part of Blizzcon 2013.

Blizzard's formerly annual fan event BlizzCon will return next year, after taking a year off while the company pushed on with Diablo 3, Mists of Pandaria and Heart of the Swarm. No date or location details were given.

As reported by Gamespot, Morhaime spoke on the topic of better co-ordinating its official eSports events next year so as to avoid clashes with other professional leagues.

"There's some challenges just with all of these tournaments going on, as a spectator, not knowing what to watch or what the significance is of winning this event or that event," he said.

"Having pro players put in a position where they have to choose between two important events - those are some of the things we'd really like to avoid in 2013. We'd like better coordination and cooperation between partners."

Morhaime also addressed the question of Why BLizzard doesn't offer the enormous prizes fronted by Riot Games, Valve and eSports leagues.

"We're also making significant investment. We may be doing it in a different way," he argued.

"We spend an awful lot of money in terms of travel, hotels, making it easy for all of these pros and people involved in putting on these tournaments are able to get to the places they need to be. Maybe it's not as flashy as putting all the money into prize pools, but it's still significantly expensive, and, from what we're told, that's actually more helpful for the ecosystem than just the flashy prizes."

Thanks, GamePolitics.

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