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Bioware announces Command & Conquer: Generals 2 for 2013

Bioware's announced Command & Conquer: Generals 2 during tonight's the VGAs, confirming a 2013 release for PC only.

It'll be powered by Frostbite 2, the engine made internally at DICE for Battlefield 3. Victory Games will be handling development as BioWare Victory.

Dr Ray is, naturally, pleased about tonight's announcement.

"We're bringing BioWare's vision for emotionally engaging gameplay and great attention to quality to the strategy genre and the Command & Conquer franchise," said BioWare label GM Muzyka.

"I am excited to welcome BioWare Victory to our label. They are a great addition and the team is working hard to make sure Generals 2 truly immerses and engages players into this intense, gritty, modern war experience."

Executive producer Jon Van Caneghem added: "With Generals 2, we are bringing the Command & Conquer franchise back to its roots, blending strategic gameplay with fast-paced action -- all set in visually stunning theaters of war powered by Frostbite 2."

Asked why Generals 2 if there was concern in having the game as a PC exclusive, Van Caneghem said in a GameSpot interview it was to "re-establish the franchise as one of the key players in the strategy genre and the best way for us to do that is on PC."

First shots and teaser are below.

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