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They'd never get away with THIS nowadays! The Best Games Ever Podcast episode 96

Nowadays, right, you can't even massacre everyone on a football pitch in an ill-advised parody of the first world war, because of woke

A still from Ridge Racer, with our podcast team in the foreground
Image credit: VG247, Namco

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You can’t say anything these days! Is what silly people say, a lot. You can actually say whatever you like. You can say, for example, and with confidence, that there are certain things you could get away with in gaming thirty years ago that simply wouldn’t fly now. Like… racing games with only one track. Platformers with a length of 20mins if you’re good at them. Games with terrible representation of anyone who isn’t a straight white male.

Attitudes and expectations change with time – sometimes it’s progress, sometimes it’s regression. But whatever the reason, it does lead to a lot of otherwise good games being cast into the shame cupboard of history. Games which would be a tough sell or borderline offensive now, but play great.

So what’s the best one of those, according to our esteemed panel? This week Tom and I are joined once again by Richie Morgan from I Hate Doctor Who and Owen O’Donnell from The Infinite Review, two people who remember the past almost as well as Tom does.

Watch the video version of The Best Games Ever Show here:

Check out the video version of The Best Games Ever podcast. You should watch it, that way you get to see everyone's awkward faces as Tom reveals that he wouldn't have invited Richie back onto the podcast.Watch on YouTube

Listen to the audio version of The Best Games Ever Show here:

This is the audio. You should listen to it, that way you get to avoid seeing everyone's awkward faces as Tom reveals that he wouldn't have invited Richie back onto the podcast.

Stay tuned for a new episode of The Best Games Ever Show every Friday. Subscribe right here on VG247, or wherever you get your podcasts:

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  • Special thanks to David Bulmer for performing "Jim's Theme".

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