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Best Buy to add dedicated game employees, gunning for "number one" at gaming retail

GameStop may finally be taking its show online, but that doesn't mean it should stop watching its back at retail. Case in point: Best Buy. The jack-of-all-trades giant is done sleeping on the gaming space, and it's carved out brand new positions to prove it.

Gamasutra brings word that Best Buy's declared itself in the process of a "drive toward number one industry position" in gaming software sales. The retailer's main weapons in this battle for supremacy will be "dedicated, informed, and engaged employees focused only on gaming."

Their duties, apparently, will be threefold: persuade customers to pre-order, peddle "exclusive digital add-ons," and operate newly established gaming sales desks, which will - among other things - allow for trade-ins. Sound familiar?

Best Buy, however, was quick to note that trade-in credit can be put toward any Best Buy product - not just games. The ability to sell you a new refrigerator/car stereo system/rideable Roomba steed, after all, is something GameStop can't boast about.

Plus, when the employees start hunting us like animals - rabid for a sale or pre-order - we can always hide among the washing machines. Best Buy: 1. GameStop: 0.

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