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ARMA 3 devs released on bail, free to return home

The two Bohemia Interactive developers imprisoned in Greece since last September on charges of espionage have been released on bail and allowed to return home to the Czech Republic.

After being accused of spying and spending four months in prison, Bohemia Interactive developers, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, have been released on bail of €5,000 each.

Buchta and Pezler were arrested last year by Greek authorities and accused of espionage after they were caught photographing military installations.

The case has been widely reported and was brought to the attention of Czech President, Václav Klaus, who is said to have spoken with his Greek counterpart, Karlos Papoulias, on the matter.

The pair have been freed on bail and allowed to return home to the Czech Republic.

Fellow Bohemia employee and DayZ creator, Dean "Rocket" Hall, took to Twitter to express his delight

"Ivan and Martin have been bailed after 128 days! … This is the greatest news I could ever receive! Can't wait to see them"

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