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Are you a game developer? Have you suffered crunch time? We want to hear from you

We're looking at writing a report that examines the reality of development crunch time in the games industry. It follows a recent tweet out of Crytek that has brought the reality of crunch to light once more. We want to get a feel for what this period of deadlines is like, and to explore the human resources side of the matter. We want to hear from you.

You'll find our report on Crytek's tweet here for your information.

So if you're a developer who has experienced a long or disruptive period of project crunch time, either as a solo developer, in-house at a studio of any size, or work-for-hire, we would like to discuss this with you anonymously with a view to producing an insightful and informative look at the realities of crunch time. We're also keen to speak with HR professionals or anyone with legal knowledge of working practices.

We want to know if this is really just 'part of the job', or if it suggests poor project management. We want to share human stories and the real side of crunch.

Why are we reaching out in this manner? Well, we felt that emailing publisher PRs would be futile, while contacting employees of studios via their work email address could potentially land them in bother, so we're opening up this channel for you to contact us in confidence.

To share your experiences with us, please contact Dave Cook at dave [at] vg247 [dot] com.

Thanks in advance.

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