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Apple shares slide by 20% since September, equals £80bn loss

Apple's share prices have dropped by 20% since iPhone 5 launched in September, resulting in an £80 billion loss at the California company.

MCV reports that as of yesterday's trading, Apple's shares had sunk to a five-month low, and that the company is currently valued at around $530bn. It's a stark change of pace when compared to Apple's performance two months ago, when shares hit an all-time high as iPhone 5 launched on September 21st.

At the time the company was valued at $660 billion, marking a significant loss in value when compared to yesterday's figures. MCV notes that it's unclear exactly what is causing the drop, as iPhone 5 saw sales of five million units in its launch weekend.

However, firm competition from the Samsung Galaxy S III, a growing Android user base and the swelling tablet market could be chipping away at Apple's income, although it's still unclear where the issue lies.

From a gaming perspective, Apple's key rivals are stepping up their game. The Android marketplace is seeing a rapid intake of games and players, while other companies, such as Microsoft and Sony are getting into the tablet game in a big way.

What do you think? Does Apple have a real fight on its hands going forward into increased competition, or could this just be a blip? Let us know what you think below.

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