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Amanita Design: Three titles announced, Machinarium coming to PSN

Amanita Design's Jakub Dvorský revealed three of the firm's upcoming titles at GameCityNights festival in Nottingham last night, and all three are listed below. It was also announced that Machinarium would be heading to PSN.

PSN bound

During the festival last night, Dvorsky announced that PSN would be graced with Machinarium later this year, but it would not be heading to XBLA.

“It’s much easier if you create a game for PC and Mac. Bringing it to consoles is a lot of hard work and a lot of hassle with companies," he said adding that it will be released on tablets as well.

“We were already refused by Microsoft to bring the game to Xbox,” he said when asked about bringing it to XBL. “They weren’t interested because the game was already released for Mac and Windows, and Microsoft demanded it as part of an exclusivity deal.

“We’re not interested in Microsoft anymore.”

Thanks: ScrawlFX, Causal Gaming.

Three games inbound

Courtesy of PC Gamer, here's whats in the cards:

Osada - Available within the next couple of weeks as a free download, it's being described as a "Czech psychedelic country music," video with a Terry Gilliam-esque style of art thanks to the mix of landscapes and photography. There's mushrooms too. PC Gamer had no idea what to make of this.

Botanicula - A point-and-click adventure game about five "tree critters" who are on a mission to save their home's last seed from parasites. Development is at the halfway point, and is planned for release towards the end of the year.

Samorost 3 - Still in the earliest stages of development, PC Gamer says the game "promises to be much longer, much more intricate, and much, much, much more polished than any of the already plenty-shiny Flash instalments we’ve seen so far," such as Samorost 2. It's the largest project at the firm for the moment, and is due for PC, consoles, and tablets systems. No date is set as of yet.

PCG also had a chance to chat with Jakub Dvorský regarding his views on piracy and the possibility of implementing DRM, since Machinarium was such a heavily pirated game.

"I don’t see pirates as plain thieves as I also pirated heavily when I was younger, with plenty of time to play many games but very little money to buy them," said Dvorský. "Pirates can actually help to promote the game if it’s good and some of them even pay for it afterwards if they think it was worth it. Of course the piracy is still a big problem on PC, but considering how many PC gamers are in the world it’s definitely worth developing for PC.

"As for DRM, we just don’t believe it’s working. It’s usually only an annoying complication for paying customers."

Despite piracy, Dvorský feels PC is still the best format to create games on when you have a small team.

"It’s very easy to develop and publish games for PC and that’s very important for small teams with limited budgets. You need a lot of experience, time, money and endless patience for developing on consoles – it’s a really painful process."

Read the full thing through the link.

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