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Activison to launch ratings awareness program for parents


Activision plans to launch the ratings awareness program started by Vivendi in 2008, which will provide education and information to parents regarding children and the videogames they play.

Called The Ratings Are Not a Game, Dr. Cheryl Olson from the Center for Mental Health and Media at Massachusetts General Hospital will preside over the program, the purpose of which is to help parents make intelligent and informed decisions regarding games they allow their children to play.

"I'm pleased to partner with Activision on this initiative, and applaud their consideration for parents' concerns," said Olson. "As a parent myself, I know there are so many things to worry about and not enough time, especially during the holiday season."

Also being used to promote the ESRB, seven videos based on different aspects of gaming are to be released. The first two will focus on using games to teach puzzle solving techniques, and how parents can identify age-appropriate games.

"These videos give practical research-based advice on how to help your kids - and your family - get more out of videogames, and how to watch for and limit electronic gameplay," added Olsen.


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